• projects
variant vault
framer motion text animation variants
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self hosted cms + rest api
fully self hosted cms using docker, drupal, traefik, watchtower, letsencrypt
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ai rag internal knowledge base
generate a knowledge base of any website. scrape a url and generate a chattable knowledge base.
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'iforget' ai cli tool
ai powered cli tool to help you with commands you forgot. gpt-4 + bun $hell
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gpt4 pdf summarizer
summarize any pdf with gpt-4
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url to markdown converter
convert any url to markdown at high speeds
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• hackathons
ethglobal hack-fevm
developed soulmates, a soulbound token (sbt) issuance engine, built on fevm (filecoin v virtual machine). soulbound tokens with provably stored metadata, powered by fevm.
grand prize for best use of filecoin
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ethglobal san francisco
developed destemr, a decentralized music streaming platform built on top of polygon.
top 9 ipfs & filecoin prize, top 6 covalent best use of api prize
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